The Mission: Save Lives

Life Under Lockdown...

I invented the MagClam during lockdowns, and I launched TickMade with the mission of saving lives. 

During lockdowns life became increasingly dangerous. While fear of the virus was pushed by every news outlet, violent behavior also escalated. The restaurant where I worked at the time removed the ATM after a string of robberies. A home invasion and murder also took place just down the street, a rare occurrence in my small midwestern community. 

Daily concealed carry became a necessity, as did carrying a spare magazine.

The Dangers Of Other Carriers...

The mission to find a functional concealed carry magazine system began. I tried several products, but they all had drawbacks. Soft carriers were comfortable and concealable, but the magazine was not secure. Bullets were often knocked loose from the magazine, and turned up in the carrier later. Kydex carriers, while excellent for holsters, were bulky and uncomfortable. Sidecar holsters were even worse, because the magazine couldn’t move independently from the gun. Pocket carry was an option, but my reloads were faster from the belt. 

I also discovered that commonly used belt clips would frequently fail during reloads. The whole unit came off the belt, and the magazine would obviously not go into the gun. I thought about what would happen in real life, and knew I needed an alternative. 

Built To Save Lives...

I spoke with several people in my life who I greatly respect as firearm professionals, and got to work. The first MagClam was very basic, but the concept functioned. Over the next two years the design was reworked and refined. I wore a version of the MagClam the whole time, continually improving the design.

Over the years I gave MagClams to various firearm professionals. Police, military, private contractors, and instructors received MagClams, and provided feedback. 

The Mission...

I am now very blessed to live in the Free State of Florida, and I am finally ready to bring the MagClam to market. The thought that keeps me up at night isn’t that people won’t like it, or that it won’t make me any money. What I dread is knowing that someone out there may need a spare magazine, and not have one. Or, they may have one in a carrier using a belt clip that fails at the wrong time. 

I call myself the inventor, but I believe this design is the product of divine providence. Development of the MagClam has been a responsibility and a blessing. I know that this product will save lives. That’s the mission of TickMade, plain and simple: sell products that save lives.  


Life Under Lockdown...

I invented the MagClam during lockdowns, and I launched TickMade with the mission of saving lives. 

During lockdowns life became increasingly dangerous. While fear of the virus was pushed by every news outlet, violent behavior also escalated. The restaurant where I worked at the time removed the ATM after a string of robberies. A home invasion and murder also took place just down the street, a rare occurrence in my small midwestern community. 

Daily concealed carry became a necessity, as did carrying a spare magazine.

Size comparison between a MagClam and Kydex magazine carrier. The mission of the MagClam is to offer more comfort, concealment, and reliability than any other magazine carrier.

The Dangers Of Other Carriers...

The mission to find a functional concealed carry magazine system began. I tried several products, but they all had drawbacks. Soft carriers were comfortable and concealable, but the magazine was not secure. Bullets were often knocked loose from the magazine, and turned up in the carrier later. Kydex carriers, while excellent for holsters, were bulky and uncomfortable. Sidecar holsters were even worse, because the magazine couldn’t move independently from the gun. Pocket carry was an option, but my reloads were faster from the belt. 

I also discovered that commonly used belt clips would frequently fail during reloads. The whole unit came off the belt, and the magazine would obviously not go into the gun. I thought about what would happen in real life, and knew I needed an alternative. 

Built To Save Lives...

I spoke with several people in my life who I greatly respect as firearm professionals, and got to work. The first MagClam was very basic, but the concept functioned. Over the next two years the design was reworked and refined. I wore a version of the MagClam the whole time, continually improving the design.

Over the years I gave MagClams to various firearm professionals. Police, military, private contractors, and instructors received MagClams, and provided feedback. 

The Mission...

I am now very blessed to live in the Free State of Florida, and I am finally ready to bring the MagClam to market. The thought that keeps me up at night isn’t that people won’t like it, or that it won’t make me any money. What I dread is knowing that someone out there may need a spare magazine, and not have one. Or, they may have one in a carrier using a belt clip that fails at the wrong time. 

I call myself the inventor, but I believe this design is the product of divine providence. Development of the MagClam has been a responsibility and a blessing. I know that this product will save lives. That’s the mission of TickMade, plain and simple: sell products that save lives.  


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